It’s been a big month for us - we’ve launched our brand new website two weeks ago as well as our first newsletter this week.
And we wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of our loyal regulars who have stayed with us over the years since we opened in 2001 – that's over 18 years and still going strong – and we couldn’t have done it without you.
Actually, we think that Loyalty should be Rewarded, so take advantage of our “Loyalty Discount” and save with a super-duper discount off every night that you stay in any season.
Just enter the promo code TAKEMEBACK when you book on our website and your 15% discount will be automatically unlocked for every tariff. Book Here Now
The sun is shining, the air is crisp, the views are clear - Winter is such a gorgeous time of year - perfect for long soaks in the spa bath, lazy walks on our nature trails, and basking in the Winter sun - so we look forward to seeing you again soon.
Connect with us...
xx Francesca – Owner & Founder
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